Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why Link Exchanges Are Devalued

As many website owners, webmasters and SEOs know link building is one of the pillars to success in organic search engine optimization. And the methods and ways they go about obtaining links can be as varied as colors in the rainbow. But over the evolution of search engines and SEO some methods of obtaining links have been depreciated or devalued due to their negative effects from spam and quality control. Among those devalued link building techniques is link exchanges.

Read more at: Why Link Exchanges Are Devalued

PageRank Calculator

I just got done putting together a neat little SEO tool that calculates how much Google PageRank you’ll need to get from links to obtain a specific PageRank. I call the tool a Google PageRank Calculator. To best explain what it does lets look at an example.

Read more at: PageRank Calculator

Twitter Tweets in Google Search Results

Google just announced (10/21/09) that they will include relevant real-time Twitter tweets in their search results! Goggle states that in their quest for providing real-time search results they have decided to include tweets in their results.

Read more at: Twitter Tweets in Google Search Results

Friday, March 21, 2008

How did the early guys Learn Web Design

Unlike much of what is around today many of the early web designers, like my self, did not have schools, classes, and ect... available to teach us. Back in 1990s many of us "old timers" started by reading up on how to do it on websites and books. At the time there really was not that many books out there and the net was still a baby.

In fact I remember you could get a FREE domain name from various companies (many of the .com names where still available). Man, if I just had bought up a few good ones and kept them.

Anyways, most of us learned web design from trial and error as well as a little reading. In todays market you can actually take classes and get a degree in Internet Engineering.

Well, it will be interesting to see what the Internet will be like in the many years to come.

Surf on over to view my website at